While I have been neglecting my writing recently, I have still been attacking my debt. My latest net worth has increased to over $60k and will continue to grow.
I was able to pay down more debt and increase my net worth. It has been slowing but I have remained focused on the long term goal.
Setting long-term and short-term goals will help you reach financial freedom sooner. Sometimes goals can be tough but you should never lose sight of the goals you set.
Medical debt has set us back a bit but we have still been able to put the majority of income towards our debt. It takes time but the effort is paying off.
Tracking your net worth can help with your budget and determine your overall financial health.
It is true that you learn from your mistakes, eventually. Sometimes it takes a bit longer. Sometimes you make the same mistakes several times before
Mental illness can cause financial stress as much as financial stress can cause anxiety. Learn how to help relieve the stress and control the spending.
Yes, I know it is Thursday and yes I know I have been neglecting the blog for a few weeks. I have been finishing up
You should budget every dollar and not worry about your balance going below a certain amount. I need to learn to relax since I should trust my budget.
It is never too late to start planning for retirement. You do not want to be looking at retirement with no savings and no plan.