Most blogs about financial independence or financial advice focus on the same basic principles. Make more money, save more, invest in your retirement and budget. While these are all sound principles things are not always that easy. Life gives us more than our share of problems.

We can’t be all born rich or privileged and even those of us that are fall into hard times. We may be one step away from financial ruin at many times of our lives and have to figure out the best way to navigate those issues.
This blog will not offer financial advice, nor will I say that I am an expert. I will say that I have lived through some major hardships, was over 100k in debt and ended up having to declare bankruptcy and it was not because I spent too much or lived beyond my means. It all happened because of severe medical debt and illnesses that were unavoidable.
I have a college education, had a good job, lived in a low cost of living location, but trying to make ends meet while dealing with the illness was not easy. I will tell that story and what happened during the bankruptcy as well as what happened after and how now I am finally digging myself out of the hole that we had created.
This is all in hopes that people know that there is hope, that we can be one step away from homelessness and still pull through. It was not easy, and some of the stories will be difficult, but it is all in the effort to help others.
I hope that you enjoy the writing and gain some knowledge and ultimately that these stories help you find a way out of the endless cycle of poverty.