What I am Reading Right Now
There are all types of information out in the interweb. From budgeting to financial independence to living frugally, you can find advice for everything and anything related to finances.
While I am virtually unknown in this realm, I have sought out other blogs for the start of my journey. I encourage you to read other pages as no one has all the answers and it is much better to take advice from multiple sources to form your own opinions and plans.
two cents
I was always an avid reader of lifehacker. I thought their advice was sound and I liked a lot of the tech stories. When they started two cents I began reading the articles and advice and found some very useful tools to help with budgeting.
The site has a great layout and is easy to follow. I also use Kinja to find some great deals on products. Sometimes just going through their recommendations sets my goals for what to purchase and how much to spend. Much of the time, I do not purchase anything but it curbs my desire to search the web for unnecessary things and sometimes that helps when I really should not be purchasing anything.
The Penny Hoarder
This is a new one for me, much like the rest of this list. This site has a really strong following and has some great advice.
They also have a community of contributors that helps with advice. This is really helpful and part of the reason that I seek out advice from others. What I have come to realize is that even though there are tons of advice and information you need to pick through to find the true gems. This is especially true when reading finance blogs. What may work for some definitely does not work for all.
The Penny Hoarder has a little bit for everyone and I encourage you to visit.
Nerd Wallet
You have probably seen the advertisements for this site on television. Obviously they are doing well enough to spend a lot of money on advertising. This is of course because they have really good advice.
I have been using this site for quite a while, mainly for comparing products. When I was looking for a good 0 interest credit card to move my debt Nerd Wallet was the first place that I went to and was exactly what I was looking for.
I will be honest, I have not read their blog much, but the tools and calculators have been incredible useful.
Mr. Money Mustache
Another blog that I am fairly new to. Mr. Money Mustache is another Colorado resident, like me, and has been living a financial independent life for many years now.
His advice on how to do it is really interesting and motivating. The cool thing about his blog is that he gives you a place to start. This helps go right to his story. Of course you can go to some of the posts on your own but it is good to hear his story and see how you can apply it to your life.
While not necessarily a blog, the posts at Reddit in various subreddits is incredible helpful. r/personalfinance is a good place to start for anyone that wants to read through different stories. You can filter by what you want to read about or just go through the various posts. Keep in mind it is like getting advice from strangers on the internet but it does have lots of good information.
Personal Finance is also filled with people that are already debt free and on their way to financial freedom and sometimes their advice can be a bit crass and not for everyone. For those people that are more attune to living paycheck to paycheck r/povertyfinance might be a better place.
Poverty Finance are for those of us that are really struggling. Life is not always perfect and sometimes we make bad choices so for those of us that are digging out this subreddit is probably a better place. You may not get advice all the time but it does highlight people’s successes.
Whatever Works
It does not matter what you read, there is great advice for getting out of debt and being on your way to financial freedom. You can take what you want from each place and formulate your own plan.
It is important especially during this pandemic that we all reevaluate where we are financially and work towards even small success.
Happy reading and let me know your favorite website.